Thursday, July 10, 2008

Power of the Priesthood

The past four months have been the most challenging of our mission. I have suffered from pelvic pain of an undetermined cause. We have made the rounds to several doctors doing tests and more tests to no avail. Every night has been miserable, waking up several times. Finally, two weeks ago my primary care doctor referred me to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville with an appointment scheduled for July 22. The pain medicine the doctors have given me helped dull the pain somewhat, but the side effects are worse than the pain, so I quit taking it.

We attended zone conference in Tallahassee on June 27. As always, the conference was very uplifting. There are twenty young missionaries and four senior missionaries including us. We sit in a circle receiving instruction from our zone leaders, assistants to President Summerhays, and from President and Sister Summerhays. The spiritual maturity of these young elders is amazing. President Summerhays showed us a DVD about the changes in the culture of the BYU football team, and we talked about the desired culture of the Florida Tallahassee mission. Our theme is about "remembering" the points listed on the last page of "Preach My Gospel."

At lunch, President Summerhays met with Elder Z and me. He told us it was time for us to focus on my health and to do whatever we needed to do to make that the top priority. He reassured us that the Lord was aware of us, He was directing our lives, and that He required complete surrender to His will and purpose. It was a very tender time with tears flowing freely. The Spirit of the Lord was very strong, and I could feel myself letting go of my disappointment and fears that we would perhaps have to go home for medical treatment, or that we could possibly not complete our mission. We requested a priesthood blessing from President Summerhays and all of the missionaries to stand in the circle.

After lunch we all gathered together and President Summerhays explained to everyone what Elder Z and I were dealing with. He called upon me to offer a prayer. It was difficult, but somehow I was able to request a miracle, to increase our faith, to guide us in our decisions, and asked that the will of the Lord to be done. All of the elders stood around me, arms folded, heads bowed. Elder Zabriskie anointed my head with oil and President Summerhays pronounced a powerful blessing upon me. It was a sacred and holy experience, the feeling of which I will never forget.

We traveled back to Quincy to our little home on wheels and retired early to bed. For the first time in many months I slept through the night without pain and without medication.

After a couple of days, the pain returned, not as bad, but interrupting my sleep throughout the night. Puzzled and disappointed, once again, I struggled to let go and accept the will of the Lord, trying to muster more faith in Him.

Since then, I have been feeling a little better each day. We are hoping that a trip to the Mayo Clinic will not be necessary. Today I feel pretty good.

We are so grateful that miracles have not ceased from the earth. We are grateful to feel the healing power of the Savior. We invite your prayers on our behalf. We want to complete our assignment here so very much.

We send our love to you our dear family and friends.

Elder and Sister Z


Jody said...

Thank you for your message, and for bringing the spirit to me today.

You are in my prayers.

I love you both very much.


Anonymous said...

Ruby and I continue to include you both in our prayers. Our children and their spouses are also praying for you. Love, Ruby & Joel

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this personal and difficult time with us. It helps us to pray more specifically for you both and for Vivian's return to physical health. What an unforgettable experience - the President's blessing and the Elders encircling you with their love and faith. The prayers of those at home are with you, too. Love, Zina and Ron

Don said...

You're in our prayers constantly. As you follow the counsel of your leaders, the Lord will bless you. We love you and pray that you will have a total recovery from your present challenge.

Anonymous said...

I was distressed when I read of your needed visit to the Mayo Clinic in the RS Newsletter, but was comforted when I read your blog of your never-ending faith. May the Lord continue to bless you and Bill. We have you in our daily prayers. Love you

Bill and Viv said...

Thanks everyone for your well-wishes. Still at the Mayo Clinic finishing up tomorrow. This a very fine facility; we've blessed we could come to get some answers.

Love to all,

Our Blog said...

reading this made me cry. God Bless You Sister Zabriski. i love you! i really, really, really needed to read this today. i am in need of some comfort and pray for greater faith and even miracles if it be God's will. thank you for being such a light in my life. i will keep you in my prayers.